After arriving at the gate I found confirmation on what I had known for years, men ARE from MARS!
Ted and Marshall's room is set up for "Rock Band" and we quickly became addicted!
My cousin Lynn and Aunt Phyllis arrived in time for the show.
For those who don't know rock band, it's drums, guitars and microphones hooked up to a game system and displayed on the TV.
We actually spent most of the weekend at different activities that were set up by the college. We also sat in on one of Ted's Chinese classes and watched him play soccer for a little bit.
While walking around town we saw these cute little puppies.
If we weren't flying home they would have come home with us!!!
Sunday night we walked into town with some of Ted's friends from the dorm.
We ate at a great sandwich shoppe.
Jonathan was happy to be home and finally getting some sleep. I am thinking he is dreaming of California.
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